The Post module is used to show blog posts.
- Module Title This option is used to add the title of your module.
- Post Layout This option is used to determine the layout of the posts and how they will be arranged.
- Grid 4 Posts will be arranged in a four column layout.
- Grid 3 Posts will be arranged in a three column layout.
- Grid 2 Posts will be arranged in a two column layout.
- List Posts will be arranged in a standard one column list.
- Category This option is used to select which categories of posts will be displayed.
- Limit This option sets the number of posts shown.
- Offset This option sets how many posts should be skipped before the first one is displayed.
- Order This option sets whether the posts will be ordered in ascending or descending order.
- Order By This option sets what data the posts order will be based on.
- Display This option sets what content will be output (full content, excerpt or none).
- Hide Featured Image This option sets whether or not the featured image for the posts will be shown.
- Image Width This option sets the width of the featured image output.
- Image Height This option sets the height of the featured image output.
- Unlink Featured Image This option sets whether the featured image will be a link.
- Hide Post Title This option sets whether or not the post title will be shown.
- Unlink Post Title This option sets whether the post title will be a link.
- Hide Post Date This option sets whether or not the post date will be shown.
- Hide Post Meta This option sets whether or not the post meta will be shown.
- Hide Post Navigation This option sets whether or not navigation links to view more posts will be shown.
- Additional CSS Class This option allows you to add any custom CSS classes you wish to be output with the module.