Displaying Portfolio Posts with Shortcode

You can use the [portfolio] shortcode to display Portfolio posts below:


There are various parameters you can use with the [portfolio] shortcode to customize output such as the following examples:

  • [portfolio]
    • = display Portfolio posts with default settings.
  • [portfolio style="grid3" limit="3" post_date="yes" image_w="306" image_h="180"]
    • = display latest 3 Portfolio posts in grid3 layout, set image dimensions, and show post date.
  • [portfolio category="13" style="grid2" limit="8" image_w="474" image_h="250"]
    • = display latest 8 Portfolio posts from Portfolio Category ID 13 in grid2 layout.
  • [portfolio category="web-design,illustration"]
    • = display latest Portfolio posts from portfolio categories Web Design and Illustration, given that their text slugs are "web-design" and "illustration"


Available parameters:

  • style= grid4, grid3, grid2, full
    • you can also include additional CSS class(es) for your own custom styling (eg. style="classname")
  • limit = number of post to query (eg. enter limit="4" will query 4 posts, enter -1 to query all posts)
  • category = category ID number or text slug (default = all categories). To find category ID number or text slug: click on "Portfolio Category" link located under the Portfolio admin menu
  • image = show featured image or not (yes, no, default = yes)
  • image_w = post image width
  • image_h = post image height
  • title = show post title (yes, no, default = yes)
  • display = display whether content, excerpt or none (content, excerpt, none, default = none)
  • post_meta = display post category meta (yes, no, default = no)
  • post_date = display post date (yes, no, default = no)
  • more_link = display a custom more link after the posts
  • more_text = text that will appear in more_link
  • page_nav = display page navigation if there are more posts (yes, no, default = no)



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