So, is the old RJWeb 2.0 forum ( going to go away?
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Looks like it's gone, along with all the content.
Sadly, I share the sentiment. I regret that I cannot post some of the issues that I am encountering, because they sometimes are easily solved without opening a ticket that only Joel or Jared would see. And I find this interface not very convenient.
It is also a shame that some of the problems that we had resolved are not archived anywhere anymore.
I feel it's a giant step backwards. The previous forum interface was a bit clunky but worked. This one is downright unfriendly.
I have to agree. There was a wealth of knowledge in the old forums that really helped me get up to speed as a new administrator. Many of us contributed to that knowledge base and relied on it. While perhaps it didn't have a fancy clean design, it was familiar, functional and useful. I'm worried to the new site, with its simplistic circa 1995 design, will not scale and will quickly become a black hole swallowing all useful information. (Wow, I just read that back and it sounds really negative! But sadly true.)
As frustrating as the situation may look now, maybe we can imagine that it is only temporary if we are vocal and keep a positive outlook on the value we can bring as a community of RJ_Web Early Builders... feeling like we are chalutzim here... let us not be discouraged while drying up the swamps!
Unfortunately, I'm not as optimistic as you Laurence. URJ chose a platform that would be better for handling tickets, but that was never designed to act as a bulletin board.
I don't like this zendesk either, and if it can be changed back to a bulletin board, I would be much happier, Serge. And I will keep saying it, hopefully until it is changed. Maybe once they have finished the upgrades?