Hi Bernie, this is Laurence (my face has been changed to my website's logo in the process, will see later if I want to change it back!)
To answer your question, you may want to see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAQYCUeGZkE
FollowWhat changes will editors see?
We have several people who edit articles and blogs via the front-end. What changes will they see when we migrate to Joomla 3?
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Thanks Laurence, but that didn't really help. I can't tell if my casual users who edit articles will see any differences.
It doesn't look like front end editing will change much. In the CloudAccess.net Joomla! 3 front end editing tutorial (http://www.cloudaccess.net/joomla-knowledgebase/96-joomla-3-1/article-manager/501-editing-articles-from-the-front-end-joomla-3-0.html) they refer you to their Joomla! 2.5 documentation for details.
In a posting on the Joomla! Extensions Directory site (http://extensions.joomla.org/blog/item/frontend-module-editing-in-joomla-3-4), they note how it is now much easier to edit modules from the front end.
Mind you, I have no first-hand experience with this myself.
Hi there,
The front end editing has changed a bit but only if your template supports it. In the new templates we are developing you will have access to front end module editing. Basically it is a link on the module in the front end which will take you directly to the module on the back end. Unfortunately, the current templates will not allow for this, even the updated versions you will be provided with. But the new ones we are developing will. Stay tuned:)
Jared, welcome back!
Thanks Al!