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Missing your RSForm! Pro modules?

After the upgrade, our RSForm! Pro forms modules stopped appearing on our Web site. These were modules of type "RSForm! Pro Module", linked to RSForm! Pro forms. These modules were embedded in articles using the {loadposition} directive.

The upgrade apparently disabled the extension "RSForm! Pro Module". By re-enabling that extension, our forms once again appear as they should.

Isaac Chartoff

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Thanks for the tip! I did not have to re-enable that extension but it still had an issue as the checkboxes and radio buttons were not showing in all browsers. Jared told me that it was because the styling input was on in the template and he turned it off.

Laurence Furic 0 votes
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Thanks for the tip Steven. There are actually 2 pieces to this. There is an RS From module which needs to be turned on or there is also an RS Form plugin which will let you embed forms in your articles. The difference is in the syntax. The plugin requires {rsform form-id} while the module will use the standard load position {loadposition: positionx}

Jared Shih 0 votes
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