How to Set Up New Calendar

In order to set up the RJ Web Builder calendar plugin on your site, please follow the following directions.

1) For each calendar you wish to import, you will need to first set up a category. Each category should be unique to the specific calendar. You can also create a different category color for each.

2) Go into your google calendar to find the public .ics link for each import you wish to set up.

3) Set up and schedule each import.

4) Set up calendar module as an Upcoming Events module. More than likely, you already have an Upcoming Events module on your home page. If that is the case, you can simply edit it.

5) Set up calendar module as a full calendar page. Once you have the new Page set up, you need to add it to the menu. Go to Appearance > Menus, find your main menu (labeled main navigation in the menu drop down) and add a new Page menu item. You'll then need to delete your old one and save menu. Make sure you are deleting only the one menu item and not the entire menu.



Сategory Menu
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